Vision Statement – To promote and provide hockey playing opportunities to individuals at all abilities and ages and to enhance sporting experience of club members. To bring the sport of hockey to a wider audience and to encourage new players and supporters of the sport.
Ethos – Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club is an open and inclusive club welcoming players from all abilities, ages and backgrounds to enjoy both the playing and social aspects of hockey.
We provide the opportunities to support and develop players to the best of their abilities and grow hockey within the community.
High level Aims and Objectives –
· Promotion of good Hockey for all Club Players
· Teams at all levels to develop their hockey potential and play at their highest suitable level
· Development of our Youth section
· To promote a good club culture & ethos
· To provide good facilities and environment for all club members
The plan be access via the link below.
The club has a transparent constitution with a dissolution clause and clear purpose in line with England Hockey recommendations
The club has an appropriate level of insurance
Insurance is provided through England Hockey - details can be found on the link below.
All members are recommended to consider whether personal insurance cover would be appropriate.
In particular, coaches, umpires and volunteers are recommended to consider appropriate public liability cover as provided by Midlands Hockey or England Hockey. The Club’s insurance does not prevent them being sued as individuals for actions or omissions. Those interested may find some useful advice on insurance at the link below.
All vehicle insurances, where youth players are transported to or from training, matches and social events, are required to include cover for injury to passengers. Such travel is NOT included in the club’s insurance policy.
The club is governed by a committee who face regular election, following which they meet regularly, with decision making recorded and communicated to members
As per TWHC Constitution,
The Management of the Club shall be the responsibility of the Management Committee which shall comprise of the following Officers and who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting:
Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Head of Hockey – Men’s, Head of Hockey – Women’s, Head of Hockey – Juniors , Social Secretary, Junior Coordinator and Head of Safeguarding and Welfare (the “Officers”). Other individuals may be invited by the Chairman to attend meetings of the Management Committee or any of its sub-committees as appropriate in a non-voting capacity.
All members are nominated and elected at the AGM which is held every year.
Job descriptions are available for all positions within the Committee.
Any vacancies between Annual General Meetings occurring among the Officers, Team Captains or any other official of the Club whose appointment is usually approved at the Annual General Meeting, may be filled by the Management Committee.
All Officers shall retire annually at the Annual General Meeting but can be eligible for re-election.
Decisions made by the Management Committee will be by simple majority of those members of the commttee present.
The Members may by General Meeting resolution direct the Management Committee to take, or to refrain from taking, a specified action.
The Management Committee shall meet as often as it deems necessary during the year and prior notice must be issued to all Officers stating the date, time and venue of the meeting. Such notice need not be in writing.
The Management Committee may delegate any of its powers to such person or sub-committee as it thinks fit.
Committee meetings are held once a month during the season and both a month before and after the season finishes
Minutes are taken by the Secretary and dates and times and venue of the next meeting are confirmed.
Minutes of the previous meetings are recorded, reviewed and signed by the Chairman.
The minutes are available to members and are published on the members section on the TWHC Website.
• Minutes that may contain sensitive information are not widely published for all members
• Minutes are stored and archived by the Secretary
• We provide training where appropriate for all Committee members
The club has a specific bank account with two independent signatories or suitable online banking requirements.
Accounts are independently reviewed annually and made available to members
The Treasurer Role
The club has adopted England Hockey Safeguarding Young People Policy and Procedures, Equality Policy and Code of Ethics and Behaviour (Respect)
The club delivers sessions in a safe environment that complies with legal requirements
What is this?
• This is a risk assessment form which is used to look at potential hazards that may cause an accident at your club grounds (pitch, clubhouse, changing rooms etc)
Why is it important?
• Everyone involved in hockey wants to minimise and if at all possible avoid hazards and/or accidents.
This form draws attention to potential hazards and will therefore reduce future risk
How can it be used?
• The form should be completed regularly to assess any potential hazards or dangers
• When the form has been completed it should be sent to the Club Committee with attention drawn to any follow up actions
• When those actions are agreed, they should be communicated to other club members
Recent Risk Assessments
Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club is committed to the principles of equality of opportunity. The Hockey Club aims to ensure that all people, irrespective of age, gender, ability, race, religion, ethnic origin, creed, colour, social status or sexual orientation have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate in hockey at all levels and in all roles. This includes all members and spectators.
Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club adheres to the guidelines laid out by England Hockey - that can be found here; Inclusion & Diversity
Generally Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club shall:
• Ensure that there will be open access to all its services.
• Select and train all members of Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club solely on the basis of merit & ability and by adapting facilities and equipment where necessary and reasonably possible.
• Communicate to all members its commitment to equal opportunities.
• Fulfil its social responsibility to all members ensuring that appropriate support is given.
• Make every reasonable effort to prepare and produce materials that are appropriate for all persons in respect of language, format and approach.
• Modify any existing rules and regulations that may inhibit the inclusion of any groups, provided this does not result in the deterioration of equality required by EH.
• Telford and Wrekin Hockey Club recognises its legal obligations and will take account of those applicable legal Act, of which further information can be found at the above England Hockey link.
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.